Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Scratch That

None of the ones on the bottom. BUT, I'm getting there haha.

So close

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Screw Straight Lines

I've been trying to refine the design for a while and it's getting 0__0 I can't make it perfect-- the lines aren't all perfectly straight/curved/waved. It's okay. It got me thinking-- it's not about perfection. The imperfection of the design just gives it more character, therefore making it in fact perfect for me.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Rough Drafts

My friend and I visited our high school (can't just say our school 'cus we GRADUATED suckas) yesterday ad we typically chilled in the leadership room. Luckily new ASB started their summer sessions. It feels weird being the visitor now. Boo. Anyhoo, I was talking to P, the ASB teacher, and he wants me to design a couple of shirts for the school to sell next year. That seriously made me =) because, although I don't earn mula from it, I want to continue designing for ECHS. It makes me happy that I can still be a part of the school even though I'm supposed to be "leaving."
I'm still not done with the Eagle's Wings drawing yet but I'm getting there. Here's how it's going.

I was on the phone earlier with Pope and he came up with a lot of ideas for designs. It sucks because he's coming up with them while he's on his way to LA and not here haha. They're really good though. I made rough sketches of them in case we forget (which is very likely).Umm... Well, they make sense in my head. Like I said. Rough sketches.