Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Beatles and Ice Cream

There's something about new sketchbooks. No matter how many (or how few) drawings I have in one, I always get attracted to some other book. It's like a blog-- one may be filled with so many bad memories (in this case, drawings) that you can't help but to drop it and start a new. In one out of my five kris kringles, I got a new sketchbook and obviously, that's the one I've been using. So far, it consists of a ton of ice cream and an incomplete set of The Beatles.
This is the original:Here's mine:If only Ringo had a normal nose.... It may not be the best cartoony portrait of the Beatles, but shoot, it's the best I've done since my John McCain haha. My plan for this drawing is to of course finish it and typically for me, photoshop in the color and out my mistakes.
As for the ice cream... I made these doodles a week ago and I don't remember why I kept drawing ice cream. I told my cousin Adi that I'd put one of it on a t-shirt then he told me "You know Pharrell already has a bunch of clothes with ice cream on it right?" That killed my theme. Oh well, here it goes:

The Order of Phoenix is on HBO. Bye!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Birthday Present and Cousin's Homework

The other day, my cousin asked me to make a logo for her portfolio. I was laughing when I read her text because... well, she's finishing up college and I'm finishing up high school haha.
As a tradition, I get my step dad a salt and pepper shaker every year for his birthday. Well, to mix things up I created my own wrapping paper. This image that I used for the wrapper is supposed to be of him with our dog Momo.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008


No eraser= crapload of pencil marks

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Training the Other

Who decided that we're only allowed to use one of our hands? I was wondering that in class one day... so... I started doodling all over my papers with my left hand.
Not too shabby, eh?

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Oh Poop

Last night, I had to write an essay. I failed. I instead did all my small homework first and because of that, my energy was already drained out and I fell asleep after writing one paragraph.
I blame it on these two guys here:

Yep, they were my homework.

Monday, November 24, 2008


Be careful when yawning.
It's dangerous.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Crapload of Flyers

For some reason, I'm addicted to saying the word crapload... Anyways, that title describes what I had to make for the past few weeks.