Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Scratch That

None of the ones on the bottom. BUT, I'm getting there haha.

So close

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Screw Straight Lines

I've been trying to refine the design for a while and it's getting 0__0 I can't make it perfect-- the lines aren't all perfectly straight/curved/waved. It's okay. It got me thinking-- it's not about perfection. The imperfection of the design just gives it more character, therefore making it in fact perfect for me.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Rough Drafts

My friend and I visited our high school (can't just say our school 'cus we GRADUATED suckas) yesterday ad we typically chilled in the leadership room. Luckily new ASB started their summer sessions. It feels weird being the visitor now. Boo. Anyhoo, I was talking to P, the ASB teacher, and he wants me to design a couple of shirts for the school to sell next year. That seriously made me =) because, although I don't earn mula from it, I want to continue designing for ECHS. It makes me happy that I can still be a part of the school even though I'm supposed to be "leaving."
I'm still not done with the Eagle's Wings drawing yet but I'm getting there. Here's how it's going.

I was on the phone earlier with Pope and he came up with a lot of ideas for designs. It sucks because he's coming up with them while he's on his way to LA and not here haha. They're really good though. I made rough sketches of them in case we forget (which is very likely).Umm... Well, they make sense in my head. Like I said. Rough sketches.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Bastard&Friends advice to someone trying to start a clothing line (idk who)

Anyhow, I admire those that have the drive and vision to be able to start something that they can call 'their own.' It's tough and challenging, to say the least. Especially, during these difficult economic times. As you have experienced already, if not will be, anytime you decide to take the entrepreneur route you'll soon realize that it's more than just passion and the desire that will get you from point A to point B. Although, those are important factors, it takes a lot of energy. And lots of it I might add and sacrifices. Also, understand that there are no shortcuts whatsoever. Just like school, you need to constantly do your homework; make an agenda. Setup goals and objectives and make sure you put deadlines next to each and every one. Be very personable! Networking is key. You'll learn a lot from people who are actually doing it. Surround yourself with those that are in the same industry. I truly believe that the people you hang around with now, will dictate what your future will be like in the next 5 years. Books/magazines/forums etc..are also good to absorb, but interacting with key people will provide you a much more solid foundation. Having deep pockets is also good. By that I mean, you're going to hit road blocks where money is a deciding factor. Make sure that not only you're able to fund your start-up, but also ensure you have the capability to make purchases after you launch. Nobody wants to see a company that does things 1/2 ass. Nor, do they want to see a brand that will only sustain a 1-2 year duration. Moreover, think outside of the box. Don't be afraid to be creative and do things your way. When the industry goes left, you go right. More importantly, make sure you know and understand your demographic! Interestingly, I always here people tell me that their brand caters to everyone. Bull Shit! No it doesn't. It's sad, but that seems to be the blanket/general statement people say about their brand. Another thing that people tend to forget is the marketing aspect. The days of just marketing on myspace and other social community sites, IMHO are gone. Discover alternative avenues; hit the streets; network and attend trade shows; sponsor events, if you can etc. There's also various ways you can market with very little money. But, creativity is key. Further, aim towards not only be a t-shirt line. Honestly, there are thousands of t-shirt lines out there. Whenever you obtain your funds from selling your t-shirts, make sure you turn it around and add other items into the mix. Diversify your inventory. And lastly...have fun and don't give up! Remember, there will be a lot of road bumps ahead, but plow right through each and every one of them in order to fulfill what ultimately will make you and your boyfriend happy in the end. I almost forgot... trademark your stuff. Put in the extra effort and money to engage legitimate trademark and copyright attorneys. I can go on for days, but I'll stop for now.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Sneak Preview

Here's a sneak peek of the drawing I was talking about in my last blog. With the bad outlining, the photoshopping process is going to be a pain in the butt but it's okay. Hopefully it will be worth it.
I'm still uncertain with the second half of the drawing. I have an idea. We'll see.
You know. I have no idea what's going on-- as I was typing that sentence I got a call that gave me the answer haha. I was going to say I don't know what's going on with my life right now but apparently my house is about to be raided. Sick.

Thank you to the world's homeboy upstairs

On Eagle's Wings, one of my favorite church songs kept repeating in my head last night. I ended up singing it out loud because it seriously wouldn't come out. The more and more I sang it, the clearer and clearer a design came into my head. Thank you God!
I'm still drawing it out right now and I have a lot of editing to do but finally I'm getting somewhere. I've had the biggest artistic brain fart for the past couple of days and I guess the fart faded away already haha.

Friday, June 12, 2009


Look who finally has a logo.
I was supposed to meet with Paul, Pope, and Cestine about designing the logo and the first design but... we instead ate and just kicked it. While we were at AJ's house eating, I let Paul draw in my mini sketchpad. He drew me from a high perspective with vampire teeth. Before that, I doodled a girl in a cupcake outfit. Put both of them together and I got that! Paul's a freaking genius.
Now for the shirt. -__- It's okay. We're getting there.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Chi's Cake Models

Got the models. Now for the clothes. Bwuahahahaha!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

I only have time to draw in my planner

Excited all over again

My excitement builds up as the school days pass. I'm finally going to start my line in the summer. I promised myself and I'm determined to make it happen. I've been second-guessing myself, doubting myself, all that jazz too many times and I've moved on and decided to just get over those negativity because this is what I really want.
So far Paul and Katrika want to be models haha.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Friday, April 17, 2009

TRL long gone. Hello STL.

Thaswassuppp. I don't even talk like that but it seemed to go with the ticket ahaha.
This ticket's for my church's youth group talent show this year, which will definitely be crackin'.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Lost and Found

I was cleaning my room and found a sketchbook that I haven't cracked open in months. I don't really remember drawing any of these... Oh well haha.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Best Friends Share Cardigans

Happy birthday to my best friend Cestine!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

New idea still needed to be done

chichai: your day is still a good day because you got to live it
chichai: i think that'll be my new saying cus i just pulled that out of my butt right now
chichai: lol
cathleen: yes
cathleen: YEAH
cathleen: i like tht
chichai: yea
cathleen: alot.
chichai: new graphic!
chichai: YAY!
chichai: one person will say "fml. this day sucked" and then the other will say that
chichai: yay!
chichai: cathleeny baby, you inspire me
chichai: hahaha
cathleen: thats tight
cathleen: write this shit down forreal

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Friday, March 6, 2009

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Shirts Again

Here's the shirt I designed for Steff's cotillion being worn for the actual cotillion. I was kind of disappointed because they didn't show up too well on the white shorts. They did come out pretty nice on the black shirts though.
I'm still waiting for the pictures from Gretchen's cotillion, but here's the design of the entourage's hip-hop shirt. We didn't have a suprise for her so we all chipped in on getting this made. Thanks to Gabe and Ted for hardly sleeping to iron all of them while I was in LA =P
Because of our "I heart t-shirt day" at school, the class officers decided to make this shirt. Oh poop, I'm waiting for Cestine to upload her pictures so I can get the picture of us in them. Haha, sideracking. Anyways... here's a picture of Kim in it since I don't have any other picture =/Boy, oh boy. Shirts are fun.

Friday, February 6, 2009

One Day

I know I mentioned it before but I have to say it again.
I really need to get started and stop wishing! Next week I won't be as busy so we'll see =/
This banner is actually pretty old btw. It's from the summer-- obviously I had intentions of starting a lie back then too.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Possible Logos

I've been bugging myself for so long to start a line but how can I with no name or official logo?!

Shirts Galore

I'm not sure why but a handful of people have asked me to design them a shirt or some Vans or something. Really random people too. I don't know if they're serious. Let's hope so. I need some publicity and cash money haha. Wait. To get some mula from all of this I need to first grow a backbone to charge people. I lack that strength.
Anyways, here's the two shirts that I designed lately. The first one is obviously for my class and the second one is for my friend's cotillion entourage.
I don't mean to be a sell-out or anything, but damn do I want money for this. Got to pay for college somehow!

Monday, January 19, 2009


I submitted my portfolio to this one college that I'm applying to and I only have two new pieces in it =X Ah, what do they know.

Two more slides that I put in my portfolio were of the clothing that I had to design for this year. I had fun making the collages of people wearing them but I unfortunately found more and better pictures AFTER I submitted my portfolio. Oh well haha.